Stata 和 Big Data
- 什么是 Stata?
- Stata 语法和命令
R Programming
- 什么是 R?
- R 语法和结构
- 安装与设定Stata
- 安装和配置 R 库和框架
R 和 Stata
- 使用 R 读取和写入 Stata
Databases 和 Stata 中的数据
- 打开和清除资料库
- 压缩资料库
- 汇入和汇出资料库
- 查看、描述和汇总原始数据
- 使用制表和表格
- 实现用于数据操作的变数
- 使用分布分析
- 使用 Monte Carlo 类比
- 使用计数数据分析
- 使用生存分析
- 测试和比较均值
在 Stata 中绘图
- 使用绘图、图表和图形
- 在绘图中使用统计分析
- 设置图形样式和组合图表
使用 R 的回归模型
- 使用双变数相关和回归
- 使用 OLS 回归、logit 和 probits
- 在回归模型中使用交互效应
- 对数据分析的理解
- 数据分析师
客户评论 (5)
Data management, reporting and statistics concepts.
Dumisani - Interfront SOC Ltd
课程 - Stata: Beginner to Advanced
The pace was just right and the relaxed atmosphere made candidates feel at ease to ask questions.
Rhian Hughes - Public Health Wales NHS Trust
课程 - Introduction to Data Visualization with Tidyverse and R
Michael the trainer is very knowledgeable and skillful about the subject of Big Data and R. He is very flexible and quickly customize the training meeting clients' need. He is also very capable to solve technical and subject matter problems on the go. Fantastic and professional training!.
Xiaoyuan Geng - Ottawa Research and Development Center, Science Technology Branch, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
课程 - Programming with Big Data in R
I enjoyed the Excel sheets provided having the exercises with examples. This meant that if Tamil was held up helping other people, I could crack on with the next parts.
Luke Pontin
课程 - Data and Analytics - from the ground up
课程 - Advanced R