
AWS Cloud9 and Python: A Practical Guide

14 小时

Python Programming Fundamentals using Google Colab

14 小时

Data Analytics with Python in Power BI

28 小时

Cybersecurity with Python

14 小时

ROS for Mobile Robots using Python

21 小时

Python Programming - 4 days

28 小时


28 小时

Python Programming Fundamentals

14 小时

Python in Data Science

35 小时

Machine Learning with Python – 2 Days

14 小时


14 小时


21 小时

Data Analysis with Python, Pandas and Numpy

14 小时

Unit Testing with Python

21 小时

Machine Learning with Python – 4 Days

28 小时

Natural Language Processing (NLP) with Python

28 小时


35 小时

Introduction to Data Science and AI using Python

35 小时

Applied AI from Scratch in Python

28 小时


14 小时

Python for Excel

14 小时

Behave: BDD结合Python(针对Python使用Cucumber/Gherkin)

7 小时

Python for Matlab Users

14 小时

Python for Data Analysis

28 小时

Advanced Python - 1 Day

7 小时

Web Scraping with Python

7 小时

Scaling Data Analysis with Python and Dask

14 小时

Algorithmic Trading with Python and R

14 小时

Anomaly Detection with Python and R

14 小时

Building Chatbots in Python

21 小时

GPU Programming with CUDA and Python

14 小时

Data Mining with Python

14 小时

Fraud Detection with Python and TensorFlow

14 小时

GANs and Variational Autoencoders in Python

14 小时

Advanced Deep Learning with Keras and Python

14 小时

Building Microservices with Python

7 小时

Python for Network Engineers

14 小时

Python for Natural Language Generation (NLG)

21 小时

Parallel Programming with Python

14 小时

Penetration Testing: Python and Kali Linux

14 小时

Automating with Python and SikuliX

7 小时

Backend Development with Python

35 小时

Analyzing Financial Data with Python

35 小时


14 小时

Python Security

14 小时

Recommender Systems with Python

14 小时

Natural Language Processing (NLP) with Python spaCy

14 小时

Data Analysis with Tableau and Python

14 小时


14 小时

Machine Learning with Python and Pandas

14 小时

Accelerating Python Pandas Workflows with Modin

14 小时




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